Best speakers for a small room? 10'X14'

Greetings all! I need some advice. I just moved my system into a "dedicated" listening room. Only problem is that it's definitely on the small side 10'X14'). I'm thinking about selling my Hales Concept 2's and finding something that's more appropriate for this small room.

It's unlikely that I'll be able to spend much (if any) more than what I'll get for the Hales (~$1,000?). So what's a good speaker (doesn't matter if it's a floorstander, monitor, planar) for this sized room? I'm afraid of buying anything that's ported (especially rear). What are your thoughts??

BTW - I have plenty of power (Classe DR-9), so I can drive just about anything.

Thanks for your help!
I've had very good luck with a pair of ProAc Tablette 50 Signatures in a 12 x 13 foot room. Running them with a subwoofer creates a very full sound. I have a lot of stuff in the room, and having a bathroom and a walk-in closet behind each speaker seems to compensate for the rear ports of the ProAcs. A weird setup yes, but I'm happy.
Just a bit over your budget, but absolutely marvelous. You might be able to find a used pair of Sapphire IIIs under $1k. These little devils just disappear and leave a great soundstage. A BIG improvement in many ways over my previous Sonus Faber Concertos
Thought I'd post an update. Was thinking very seriously about the TC-50's, but only found one posting for a pair here on AudiogoN and the seller never replied to my message. Plus the condition of them was not very good which made me hesitant to begin with. I could always wait, but I really want to get my system going again for some listening sessions over the holidays.

I was also very interested in the recommendation for Totem Arros. I really needed to sell my speakers before buying something else (don't want family strife before Xmas!) but found two tremendous deals here on the AudiogoN that I tried to buy them even w/o selling my Hales. Well, they were both such good deals that they were already sold!

I posted my Hales Concept Twos on this site and didn't receive much in the way of interest. Because they're so heavy, I had to list them for local sale only. I decided to drop the price and advertise for sale or trade for a pair of monitors.

I got a couple of very nice offers but have decided on a pair of Aerial Acoustics Model 5s. I had actually listened to these at Bay Area Audio in San Jose the day before I got the trade offer (talk about coincidence) and was VERY pleased. They're a sealed enclosure and don't have a tremendous amount of bass response so I think they'll work very nicely in my small room. They've got a buttery midrange which I LOVE (kind of like the Spicas) and also have a very extended upper range w/o being too forward at all. Needless to say, I'm excited about making the trade and getting them hooked up.

I'm scheduled to pick them up in Oakland on Tuesday evening, so I'll post again later in the week with m final thoughts.

Thank you all very much for your input. I value your opinions and am glad to have a group of "virtual friends" with whom to share this fantastic hobby.

Good listening and warm holiday wishes to you and your families!


Dan Hirschler
I own the Thiels CS2.3. I am very pleased with them. But I would caution anyone considering them for a small room. Because of their first order crossover the listener needs to be positioned 10 feet or more from the speaker. The drivers in the Thiel integrate poorly in a nearfield listening position.

Refer to the online stereophile review and read the test results by JA.

The only way I know around this is to use TacT RCS 2.0 to smooth out the frequency response.