I think that this thread has turned into a PERFECT example of just how "important" preconcieved ideas, prejudice and bias are in society. Is that bad ? I don't think so. Why should audio be any different than the rest of the various subjects that we could discuss ???
As such, anyone that thinks that they are not prejudiced or completely free of bias are either liars or fooling themselves. Those that worry more about being "politically correct" rather than speaking their mind and being forthright in their opinions are those that lack self confidence or convictions in their ideas. You can call it "tact" or "being understanding", i'll simply call it "lacking balls". As a case in point, would you rather have someone smile and nod in agreement while inside they look down their nose and think "what a jerk" or would you rather know exactly where you stand in their eyes to begin with ??? I think that answer is obvious.While there are ways to get the message across without ripping someone's heart out, the message remains the same: "I don't like or agree with that".
As to why people would have the ideas that they do about "rap", "hip-hop", etc..., take a look around. Most of the time that you hear this music or see the participants, the sound is HORRIBLE while the listeners and creators try to portray themselves as being "ghetto gangsters". If you doubt this, take a look at the "kicker boxes" that are sold to the public to recreate this music. Big woofers in untuned boxes and Piezo tweeters. The more "lo-fi" it sounds ( boomier, undefined, lacking detail, smeared and splashy, etc..), the greater the chance of the "car stereo enthusiast" installing it in his "pimp mobile". In plain English, what is "bad" to those that know better becomes "good" to those that don't know any better.
Since many of the participants here may have never listened to various artists that produce "music" of the above mentioned genres in detail, they base their opinions on what they have experienced. Is this wrong ? Hell no. You and i do it EVERY day, dozens of times a day. Whether or not it is a "good" opinion or "bad" opinion simply has to do with what side of the fence you stand on with that specific subject. Were they wrong to share their point of view. Definitely not. This IS a discussion forum. Could they have done it with a little more respect ? Quite possibly.
The funny thing is that the hi-fi world used to be divided between those that listened to Classical music and those that listened to "contemporary music" i.e. rock, blues, jazz, etc... As "music" has spread out even more and has such a wide interpretation as to what qualifies as such nowadays, i find it amusing that the "rockers" and the "old fogey's" have something in common. That would be their general lack of respect and disdain for "hip hop" and "rap". As such, nothing has changed. The shoe has just been moved to a different foot. The same thing will happen with the next generation and so on and so forth.
So long as there is freedom of choice, differences of opinions, personal taste, etc... to deal with, we will always have an "us vs them" to deal with, regardless of the subject. Of course, whether you are with "us" or choose to side with "them" can vary from subject to subject or incident to incident. That's what makes us all individuals with our own ideas. That is also why nobody can tell you what is "right" and what is "wrong", what is "good" what is "bad", etc.... These are all things that rely on one's personal perspective and preferences.
All i can say is that we should ALL be glad that we have the right to choose what WE like as individuals and that we can voice our differences of opinions without fear of reprisal. It is probably only after we've lost these "rights" that everone will agree on something. We should've been thankful for what we HAD. Sean