Phonostage: Wavac vs Doshi vs Tron

I am looking to add another phonostage to my system. I currently have the Essential 3160 preamp with phono. This has a MC and MM input Since I now have multiple tables, I wanted to add more phono inputs. Looking at the used market and what is available that I am considering is either a Doshi 2.1 phonostage, Wavac LCR-X2 or Tron Seven Reference. Any thoughts or experience from our readers? It is difficult for me to listen in my system as I am looking for used items. My Cartridges are Koetsu Coralstone/Onyx, FR7fz, Ikeda 9CIII, SPU Gold, Transfiguration Proteus and some high end MM's like Technics EPC-P100C and AKG P100LE.
Not heard the wavac, but the Tron is truly excellent. Yes I agree it is tube like, but not lush or coloured at all, I would say lifelike. Graham tends to spec the units for a particular cartridge, so if you change cartridges a lot, that may be a problem. I do like Wavac, but I feel they are crazily overpriced
Raul visited my home several years ago with his Essential 3150. We A/B'd with my Doshi Alaap (the two chassis version, not the four chassis version). There were no Doshi version numbers then, but it would be a 1.x (upgraded by Nick as far as a version 1 can go).

All listening was done with the components listed in my System, using a large variety of LPs. Listeners included Raul, Dan Edmundson, my partner Paul and me.

After two days of intense listening by four experienced audiofools, it was agreed that:
1) these top end SS and tube preamps sound more alike than different, each was superb in its own way;
2) the Essential offered stronger, tighter bass;
3) the Alaap transmitted more musical information (low level detail and subtlety, instrumental harmonics and complexity).
Which you'd prefer would be a matter of taste, but the presentations are different.

The Alaap 2.x improves on all the above. I've not heard the 3160.

No experience of the Wavac or Tron except briefly in shows, with too many unknown variables to draw valid conclusions about a preamp.

Hope this helps.
Hi Doug,

Thanks for your post on the Doshi. That's one of the reasons the Doshi is on my list. But I am thinking of just getting the phonostage and link that to my Essential 3160 preamp. That way I have 4 phono inputs and can have a choice between SS and Tube phonostages.

Unfortunately, I don't recall comparing the Doshi and Essential phono stages only. We could have done by sending the output of each phono to either line stage, but we weren't considering your particular scenario.

That said, the standalone Alaap phono stage (which I've heard in several systems including my own) is certainly a standout. It's superior to my two-chassis, full function unit in dynamics and bottom end punch, while giving up nothing in subtletly and harmonic richness.

Nick's attention to grounding scheme, power supply stability, impedance matching between gain stages and hand-picked/bespoke parts pays sonic dividends. Gain is sufficient for even the lowest output MCs. Dynamic range, speed and impact are genuinely shocking, yet the sound floor is the lowest and subtlest that I've personally heard. MC input impedance levels are switchable and individual settings can be customized to your choices if you wish.

Owner support is... what one expects at this price point. Nick has made many improvements since I bought my generation 1 (before Doshi Audio went "public"). Paul and I helped him evaluate several internal components and grounding schemes before he rolled them into production models or offered them as owner upgrades (often for free). In addition to being one of the smartest men I've ever met, Nick's also one of the nicest and most modest.

I'm sure Raul's owner support is similar. He did, after all, fly 2000 miles just so we could hear his (then new) 3150, even though he knew we weren't in the market for another preamp. He just wanted to put his creation up against the best, in other people's systems.

I've been told (but haven't heard) that some of the improvements in the 3160 are in areas such as sound floor and harmonics, which is where even my older Alaap bettered the 3150. Similarly, some of Nick's improvements are in areas such as low frequency tightness and oomph where the 3150 was stronger. It seems that the best SS and tube units are gradually converging as their respective designers strive to produce the perfect straight wire with gain from different but valid topologies.

Happy hunting!