Phonostage: Wavac vs Doshi vs Tron

I am looking to add another phonostage to my system. I currently have the Essential 3160 preamp with phono. This has a MC and MM input Since I now have multiple tables, I wanted to add more phono inputs. Looking at the used market and what is available that I am considering is either a Doshi 2.1 phonostage, Wavac LCR-X2 or Tron Seven Reference. Any thoughts or experience from our readers? It is difficult for me to listen in my system as I am looking for used items. My Cartridges are Koetsu Coralstone/Onyx, FR7fz, Ikeda 9CIII, SPU Gold, Transfiguration Proteus and some high end MM's like Technics EPC-P100C and AKG P100LE.
Barbapapa. Thanks for sharing your experience. Did the all Zanden setup have the Zanden 1200 phonostage? I hope I enjoy my Wavac LCR-X2 also. When you buy used, it's difficult to do a compare, so we'll see when it gets here.
Sunnyboy1956, its the Wavac LCR-X2 with 2 inputs. 1 MM and 1 MC but the MC has 3 gain settings. I thought Wavac only made 1 phonostage model?
Sorry but it was a few years back now and I don't remember for the phono. As the system was exhibited with best clothes from the Zanden importer, I can suppose it was the best phono pre.

As with any fine tube amp, the effects of tube rolling in the Doshi preamp are very audible. Which tubes you'd prefer are of course a matter of taste.

That said, Nick designed and continues to upgrade the circuit to perform optimally with current production, readily availabe tubes. You can chase costly NOS tubes if you wish but it's in no way required or suggested by the Alaap's design or designer.

My preference is for tubes with the sturdiest, least resonant internal structures. This minimizes tube "bloominess" and solidifies dynamics and bass. Having tried a variety of tubes, I prefer the best quality current production models from JJ or ElectroHarmonix. No showoff factor. No impressing anyone with exotic, only pair in existence rarity. Just clean, extended, tight frequency extremes with a harmonic/timbre reproduction that sounds realistic to me.