Which speakers do the hologram thing?

Some reviewers talk about how speakers can produce a 3-D image so convincing that it seems one can "walk amongst the performers" or "sense the air between performers," or they may say how "each musician appears to occupy a solid space," etc. I'm not certain I have heard this. In your experience which spekers have this ability?
While horns have never been known for "imaging", i was quite amazed at how solidly images were anchored when listening to a pair of Avant-Garde's. The "mid-sized" Pipe Dreams also had excellent imagery. Both of these were very stable and pinpoint. Keep in mind that a LOT of this has to do with the rest of the system though and not just the speakers.

As to being "immersed in sound", i have never heard anything that can present as deep of a soundstage as a point source full range driver with 360* of horizontal radiation. Sean
Well most feel it doesn't get any better then soundlab with tubes for the "disappearing act", though they take up more room then most can afford to lose. Also Avalon Acoustics, are known for there disappearing, this has been covered mainy times before and always the same answers, so there be a few more but they slip my mind(what's left any way) at the moment. I own avalons and love the "jumping" around they do, its pretty weird, in particular after you have a few into ya, nudge-nudge if you know what I mean :)

You will hear this with Avalon Eidolon speakers, with the right electronics and front-end.
I have heard a number of speakers do this very well. The Piega's, Avalon's, Kharma's and Rockport's are a few that do an incredible job at 3-D imagry.