Sistrum Platforms

Has any one tried these in thier system and how is the rack at reducing vibrations? Thanks.
brulee: you've put a big smile on my face. very nicely done. i especially like "clement," a wonderfully obscure word used perfectly.

After putting in many hours of work in comparing racks, shelves, and all the other things I have used in the past, the Sistrum Platforms are the best investment I think I have ever made. I can't tell you in words like a reviewer. What I have lost is a hash or noise. I can play at levels I could not play at before and things stay smooth, focused, dynamic, and very musical. Imaging is the best I have had in my room. There is something that is right about the sound that this boy can't put in words. My amp sounds less stressful, like it has more power. A brightness is gone when things get loud. I am sold. I gave it the 30 day trial and it ain't leaving my system. I may sell all my gear but the Star Sound Sistrum racks are staying. So is the PC. It bettered the FIM, MAC, and Stealth PCs in my system. I hope to try out more of their products as soon as possible. IMO, this company is doing something very right. I can't wait to try their IC and speaker cable. One sold and happy customer.
I have been using the Sistrum platforms under every piece of my equipment,including my speakers for the last 2yrs.They simply work!Every aspect and every positive audio adjective need be applied.I installed a 6 shelf Sistrum rack when they first became available 17 months ago,again everything got better, not just different.You guys must also hear the power cords as well as speaker cable and interconnects.The micro-bearing around the final shield seems to to take these cables to another level of lower noise and greater retrival.The attributes of Sistrum grounding was designed thru out their new mono-bloc amps as well..Again everything got quieter,faster ,blacker and OH so much more dynamic.The Coulomb Law applies to all these works.This is a continuim by design not just guess work.When you line up all these products everything is better. And you just know its correct..I loaned a friend one of my unused Sistrum Platforms to use under his Conrad amp.He said it was like he had aquired a whole new amp,so he bought it from me.Soon after he bought platforms to put under his Thiels.He said there was again just as much improvement ..These Sistrum products will never be retired.All keepers.
Brulee based on your enthusiasm and my trust in your judgement, I will certainly check them out!
Brulee, I'm so glad you liked the stand. I agree w/you, it was one of the best purchases for the money I've ever made. I have not yet tried any of their cables or interconnects, perhaps that's next. I think it's great when people post their reactions or decisions to complete threads like these.