Sistrum Platforms

Has any one tried these in thier system and how is the rack at reducing vibrations? Thanks.
Though it has been quite awhile since I wrote a response on this thread, I nevertheless feel it appropriate to write about my experience with Star Sound. Due to audio room redesign and ever increasing job-related intrusions, it has been only recently that I have had the opportunity to audition Sistrum in my system.

The speaker stands were the first items installed, and the improvement was highly beneficial. There was definitely less smearing and better focus with the stands. The bottom end tightened up but not at the expense of the natural decay and expansion (as opposed to bloat). Certainly, this was the the best $370 upgrade I've ever had in my system.

Next, I used the Sistrum amp stands for my new WAVAC 833. "Wow" is not overstating my reaction. As great as the WAVAC 833 monos are, the stands took them a step higher. Incredible dynamics with concrete-breaking low-end extension were the first things I noticed. Yet, at the same time I found a less stressful sound, particularly at higher SPL. Given the performance of the stands I was previously using, I was not prepared for the improvement the Sistrum amp stands provided in my system.

I'll also add that for you DIYers out there, the high Cu content / lead-free solder available from Star Sound is extremely good. It is a bit of a pain to use since it requires a high temp iron and the use of liquid/paste flux, but the results I obtained speak for themselves. I've used many different solders over the years, and this is my new reference for sonic performance.

I've just ordered a long run of the Sonoran IC from Robert, and I'll be very interested in comparing them to my past and current references. I'll report my experience with them at a later date.

It has been a distinct pleasure experiencing the highly effective (and visually beautiful) Sistrum products. I highly recommend them for anyone considering similar products. I would guess that their "satisfaction guarantee" is rarely exercised.

I also use the sistrum speaker stands and found them beneficial. I did not buy the rack. I bought a Grand Prix Audio Monaco rack with an F1 shelf and an amp stand. These are the best racks on the market IMO. With this rack you need no other vibration control under any component. It is also is a great looking rack.
Fantastic results after installing the largest Sistrum platforms under my almost still Dunlavy SC4's. Bigger speakers or amps require larger, and deserve, larger platforms. Marked improvement in bottom end, larger clearer window on the sound. Most notable benefit was quieter, blacker backround, more relaxed highs with increased resolution. All my components are now on either Sistrum platforms or Sistrum rack. Ya know,, the stuff is just right!
Good to see that the Sistrum racks are proving as beneficial to others as they are to me. I haven't noticed if any of the other posters state whether they are using the micro-bearing as filler for the racks? I did a mini evaluation with and without the microbearing and found that in the longrun the bearings improved the "damping" effect of the racks, and provided a blacker background that facilitated a more detailed, focused bass response. I am mow thinking about using the smaller platforms under my Osborn spkrs.

Micro-bearing around the final dielectric of the new Sonoran cables also makes a big difference. Same increase in blacker backround more detail and better focus as Ken discribed when he added micro-bearing to his rack. Sistrum platforms are benificial to any loudspeaker. Three different size platforms for different size speakers or electronics. I have owned them all and still use them under my Servo 15's and my Dunlavy SC4's. They are of component quality. Tom