Integrated amp to Subwoofers

I was wondering what is the best way to connect an integrated amp and a sub, I have a Sim Audio I-5 and I might buy a velodyne hgs-10 which i feel will match well with my nautilus 805's. The integrated has a pre-amp out, can I use that and run it directly to the sub with regular rca cables? I always hear talk about a daisy chain but since I have an integrated I feel like it might be different, thanks alot.
Hi Smjason. I used to own Simaudio Moon I-5 and ran it with an NHT SW3P subwoofer. The NHT has only line level inputs, so I used the pre-outs on the back of the I-5 to feed the subwoofer amp. I had no impedance matching or gain problems at all between these two components.

I don't know what kind of output options the Velodyne has, but if you do decide to go with a REL I would follow the advice of the previous posters and connect the I-5 via the amp/speaker binding posts instead of the pre-outs. I think REL recommends this method over line level.

Good luck.
Ugh, don't get VD, you'll only end up selling it and getting a REL. There really is no comparison, quality or musicality. Just buy a REL Strata III (new or used) and be happy. Problem solved. My 2c.
Karls is right, forget the HG, Go for either a REL Stadium III or an ACI Titan II LE, (my favorite sub). Either is far more musical than the Velo.