I also have a DL III. My dream USB converter is an empirical audio offramp, my second choice is the JKSPDIF MK III, link here: http://www.johnkenny.biz/home-1/mk3-hiface
The reason I like the JKSPDIF unit is it's quite an elegant solution, it's battery powered, the power circuits are isolated from the audio section, and the battery re-charges from the USB port on your computer. No wall warts. I am currently running a Vlink 192, and I'm pretty happy. I wanted to get off the merry go round for a bit, so I'm taking a break from equipment purchases and just buying music. I have also looked at the audiophelio, and the anedio U2 unit.
The reason I like the JKSPDIF unit is it's quite an elegant solution, it's battery powered, the power circuits are isolated from the audio section, and the battery re-charges from the USB port on your computer. No wall warts. I am currently running a Vlink 192, and I'm pretty happy. I wanted to get off the merry go round for a bit, so I'm taking a break from equipment purchases and just buying music. I have also looked at the audiophelio, and the anedio U2 unit.