VMPS RM-40 - Anyone Heard

Has anyone heard (or seen) the new VMPS RM-40, which apparently won a "Best in Show" award at the recent CES? I've seen a couple of photos of it and the specs sound interesting, but who knows without listening...Also, I've heard some negatives about VMPS QC and cabinetry in the past and wonder if VMPS has improved with this new offering.
1. QC: That should not be a concern. All parts are high quality. If a problem arises, just call VMPS and Brian Cheney will mail you new drivers or whatever is necessary. He mailed me a new driver for my STR-SE with no hesitation.
2. Cabinetry: One reason VMPS speakers are half the price of comparable models is that their cabinetry is simpler and less elegant. Cheney is much more concerned with sound than appearance. However, the oak veneer on mine has been quite durable over the last 8 years.
3. Sound: I auditioned the more expensive FF-3 SRE, whose drivers are same as RM-40, except with 6 ribbon midrange segments instead of 4, a much more rigid cabinet, and biamping. The midrange clarity and effortlessness of the ribbons (classical music) vastly surpassed anything I've ever heard. On the FF-3 that clarity and effortlessness extends down to the lowest bass, but I can't vouch for the RM-40. The only shortcoming I heard was a subtle roughness in the upper treble handled by the dome-shaped spiral ribbon tweeters, but I doubt this would be noticeable with non-classical music.
Was the version of the FF-3 SRE you heard the new "Neo" version of the ribbon panels or the older one? Did you buy the speaker or do you have a different VMPS speaker?

as owner & lover of vmps larger subs, i am also interested in the rm-40's. as there's a dealer w/them here in my area (dc), i hope to arrange an audition soon. i had actually emailed the dealer before the ces; he has just gotten back to me... i will let everyone know what i think.

doug s.

In response to Schacter's questions:
1. The only version of the ribbon midrange I heard was the current neodymium model. I also heard both the current and previous versions of the spiral ribbon tweeter. The current version has less distortion than the previous version.

2. I did not buy the FF-3 because I was not satisfied with the subtle upper treble distortion that I mentioned. The speakers in my current system remain the 8 year old STR-SE.

3. Brian Cheney suggested I should return to audition his top model that uses the Raven ribbon tweeter instead of the spiral ribbon tweeter. He said he could custom build an FF-3 for me with the Raven if I felt it overcame my complaint. However, I have not had time to return to audition the Raven.

4. I am exceptionally sensitive to high frequency tizz. I decided against buying the highly praised Dodson DAC for that reason. (No, I have not yet decided what DAC to buy instead!) Most people would not notice the subtle roughness in the tweeter, and I doubt it can be bettered at the price of the RM-40. For the price of the FF-3, one's expectations increase.