VMPS RM-40 - Anyone Heard

Has anyone heard (or seen) the new VMPS RM-40, which apparently won a "Best in Show" award at the recent CES? I've seen a couple of photos of it and the specs sound interesting, but who knows without listening...Also, I've heard some negatives about VMPS QC and cabinetry in the past and wonder if VMPS has improved with this new offering.
Weight and dimensions: 240 lbs, 66 x 12.5 x 17
Drive Complement: 10" bottom firing passive radiator, 10" megawoofer, 10" WCF midbass, 4 x 8" neodymium mids, 2 x 1" spiral ribbon tweeters
4 ohm impedance, 91 dB sensitive
Frequency response: 24Hz to 25 kHz
Try here for a photo:

Regarding VMPS speakers in general, Yesterday I had a 3 hr listening session at the VMPS dealer in Washington DC (Dynamic Sounds). He only sells VMPS spks and has been selling for the past 17 years. He has all the models on display including the RM-40 , the super Tower, FF1 and 3, RM1 and 2. I was more interetsed in the Rm1&2 since they were withing my budget.
All I can say that the VMPS line of spks are outstanding. The midrange is to die for with the new Neo midrange panel which apparantly goes down to 166Hz and extends to 10K . Overall I was very very impressed by the spks (RM1, Rm2 and RM40). I did not listen to the other models. Having auditioned the JMlabs 926, proAc response 2.5, B&W 803 , Revel F30 I found the Rm2 on par or better than the above and the RM-40 absolutely trounces all of the above.
Please go and audition them before you lay down green bills. Let your ears be the judge. I am soon going to be the owner of Rm2 driven by my Plinius gear.
I heard the RM-40 at CES. I'd never heard or seen any VMPS speakers before. The cabinetry was fine, though not the equal of JMLabs or Wilson for beauty. But the sound was there. I like to hear the detail in the music and expect great dynamics, soundstaging and no flabby but deep bottom end. That's what I heard. How shall compare it? I'd buy this speaker before I'd buy the smaller Wisdom ribbons. They don't seem as detailed, dynamic or as able to soundstage. The only thing I've heard that seems more transparent are MBL's new big $37K speaker, and SoundLab's M1 -- both also heard a CES. I think they were the equal of ML Prodigy drive by Krell 650 monoblocks that I've heard at a dealer. The beautiful midrange made me want to forget about cone drivers forever including the Wilson 6.0 and Maxx which I've heard several times. I sound like a slick mag reviewer, but I'm neither that, nor a dealer for VMPS. I was just very impressed. It was one of the few speakers I went back to hear more than once at CES. I found nothing there at less than literally 3 times the price that could begin to compare with them.