VMPS RM-40 - Anyone Heard

Has anyone heard (or seen) the new VMPS RM-40, which apparently won a "Best in Show" award at the recent CES? I've seen a couple of photos of it and the specs sound interesting, but who knows without listening...Also, I've heard some negatives about VMPS QC and cabinetry in the past and wonder if VMPS has improved with this new offering.
I have to agree with Bookner in many areas concerning the RM 40's. I heard them today and was really impressed. There are many great and good sounding speakers and most cost more than 4600. The RM 40 draws you in - I wouldn't exactly say jawdropping but more realistic and refined than that. I have never heard better midrange or transparency than the Whisper(mids) and Quad 989 (transparency) but the RM 40 brings both of these traits together in a better way. I too am impressed and of all the speakers out there now these are the ones I want and I wouldn't doubt that I will soon have a pair in my main system.
VMPS,QUAD988,CABASSE, Could anyone tell me how these 3 stack up? I mean Quads are like $5K. Cabasse has about 20 models say $3K to ? (can pick up used Skiff 301 for $2K). The VMPS RM1 sells for like $1600. There are no dealers within a 1000 mile radius from N.O. I listen to classical. Any opinions on the 3 as far as staging dynamics clarity, in other words which disappears best? The previous few listeners of the VMPS are very convincing. I think it was Sedond who as well highly recomended VMPS as a great value. There is one other Ribbon Monitor lab from Australia called Ambience($6K). Someone told me he was blown away at the CES show by this speaker. Like VMPS and Cabasse very few reviews. All opinions are greatly appreciated.
Tweekerman I see you are still at this. Your brain must be really fried by now. I just ordered a pair of VMPS RM 40's which ship out to me next Wednesday . I will let you know how they sound in my system. When did the Cabasse come into play?

Congats on the RM40 order. Mine have completed their cross-country journey (only 4 calendar days) and will be delivered tomorrow! I'll post something after I have a chance to give them a serious listen.

Hey Ljgj, went to Cabasse web page liked what i saw. The few reviews were very very believable. They are expensive! Well their web page led me to something interesting. The Raven 3 mid/tweeter ribbon made by ORCA labs... So you are getting the new model VMPS RM40. WOW! Are they like 250 lbs.? Where did you audition them? How do they compare to the RM1? I'll stop here. One last, have you heard Cabasse?