minimonitor for Bat VK60 mono's?

I am geographicaly chalanged since i have recently moved to the northern Florida gulf coast. I will be living in an Apt. for a while and have to move my gear into a smaller bedroom 10x11 or 12 (have not measured yet)I need to purchase a stand mounted seaker as I have no access to any really good Hi end shops being that most of the money on the coast consists of tourists and people with second vacation homes where they dont have a need for truly hi end audio.anyway I will probably have to purchase blind so any advice please(Merlin TSM,Proac 1sc,Silverline sr17,renisance decapa 3's,ect...

System consists of:
Marantz CD-11 MK 2
Kimber 8tc(dual runs)
Apature silver interconects
Various diy room treatments

BAT was using a small pair of System Audio speakers (on stands) at CES this year. I thought the sound was pretty impressive driven by one of their new integrated amps. You might want to call BAT for more info on the speakers or check out the web site
I am using Shamrock Audio Eires with a pair of 30 watt tube monoblocks and couldn't be happier. Very balanced from top to bottom. Extremely well made. I auditioned them against Merlin, Spendor, and Harbeth.. all great speakers...and decided to keep the Eires...check them out and the reviews from soundstage and positive feedback at they come with a 30 day money back guarantee...perhaps a little more money than the speakers you have listed... but worth it...
these are not minimonitors, but by the time you add a stand, the size isn't much different. Try the Audio Physic Virgo's. One of the best speakers around. If they are to deep (cause they are only 8" wide), take a step down in their line.

I had a single VK60 driving'll love 2. Should be a great match with your other gear.