Whats the best Small speaker thats cheap

I was thinking of upgrading my NHT super zeros which I love! Any suggestions must be reasonable lets say selling for less than $ 600 a pair new or used or less Must be small in size too 12 x 12 x 12 approx. maximum. I am considering NOS NHT super ones . BTW I am also using an NHT Sub One so Bass is not an issue ! Thanks !
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I own the SuperZeros which I've modified. Great little speaker. The SuperOnes in their original box configuration are great with an excellent voicing. Very open and dynamic. I don't like the SuperOnes in the rounded plastic cabinets.

More expensive and worth looking at are the Triangle Titus.
If you can get your speakers at least 18" away from the walls I suggest the Sound Dynamics RTS-3. At $200 new, it's a steal!
I think I saw a pair of Epos M12 for sale on Audiogon ... if you're into imaging and transparency these would be a good bet. One of the most highly regarded monitors in England. I've never understood the B&W thing, I have found their cheaper speakers 602, 603 to be very in-your-face and very fatiguing.
Where will you place the speakers (on stands out from the wall a bit, or on a shelf)? If they are to be mounted on a shelf (close to the wall) then this narrows your "good" choices considerably, but there are still some nice picks. Also, how large is the room?