Whats the best Small speaker thats cheap

I was thinking of upgrading my NHT super zeros which I love! Any suggestions must be reasonable lets say selling for less than $ 600 a pair new or used or less Must be small in size too 12 x 12 x 12 approx. maximum. I am considering NOS NHT super ones . BTW I am also using an NHT Sub One so Bass is not an issue ! Thanks !
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I think I saw a pair of Epos M12 for sale on Audiogon ... if you're into imaging and transparency these would be a good bet. One of the most highly regarded monitors in England. I've never understood the B&W thing, I have found their cheaper speakers 602, 603 to be very in-your-face and very fatiguing.
Where will you place the speakers (on stands out from the wall a bit, or on a shelf)? If they are to be mounted on a shelf (close to the wall) then this narrows your "good" choices considerably, but there are still some nice picks. Also, how large is the room?
I have never heard these speakers but I have read a lot about Axiom M3Ti and the reviews are are pretty good. You can try them for 30 days without any obligation.

Check out these reviews:

The speakers are on my desk ones is up against a room divider the other is on the other corner of my desk . The room has a 20 ft high ceiling . The room measures 20 x 20 . The room is big so the super zeros are a little small for my evening Get the Led out sessions!
In your price range, I like the Tannoy Mercury mx 1 ($270) or mx2 ($370), the Tannoy Revolution 1 ($500), the Triangle Titus ($500). Try to find a dealer and take a listen. I have NHT Super Zero's in my kitchen (space limitation issue) and like them, but these others are MUCH better.