Where can I buy Monitor Audio speakers on the web?

I'm thinking of buying a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 2's but I'm having a hard time finding a dealer on the net. I have no local dealer. thanks
You can find them at: http://www.osht.com/

Natalie: Based on other threads I have browsed, is there anything you like? I am reminded of Mikey of the old Life Breakfast Cereal commercials who hated everything. (I guess you like Sonic Frontiers.)

www.ayselectronics.com is the cheapest place i have found to buy ma speakers. i know others but they are the cheapest.
There is a lot of overpriced over hyped let the sheep follow products out here.
Remeber it better to be smart than rich when it comes to buying audio gear.
I hear a ton of junk that have money marketing hype on theier side and sheep like you that follow.But garbage out.
Monitor Audio is not worth the money they want at its price point.Period.The Marketing they do put the speaker in a higher price range than it desrves to be based on sonic performance.
I dont own one piece of Sonic Gear.I just know whats going on.The factory is 2 minutes from Home.
natalie: Learn proper english and spelling, before you slam a speaker company that has such high reviews. I have heard the silver series and want to purchase an entire home theater group. I wonder what you would think of Monitor Audio if they were 2 miles from your home???