Accessing music files

Ok I have borrowed a DAC for the next few months from a friend who will be away for a few months so I have some time to familiarize myself to the world of Digital music. I have music files on a laptop ATM and more on an external drive, some compressed others flac or even Wav I believe and some high bit files (ie 24/192) that I have acquired from friends. I can play these files of course via direct hook up via USB but I have to be at the computer. Is there any way to control what you want to play by using an external device such as an IPOD or IPAD through say A WIFI connection? I know you can sync an IPOD to Itunes but that does not seem to play the music from my Laptop. I just want the convenience to access whatever I want and hear it through my main stereo without having to physically use a computer of any sort. I just want remote ACCESS. MY computer is set up wirelessly in my home also. My Laptop is a PC not a MACBOOK.
The simple answer is "yes". I too have a PC and use an Apple Time Capsule as a HD/router to hold my cd library (using iTunes) and transmit music wirelessly downstairs to a modified Airport Express which is connected to my pre. I use an iPod Touch as a remote and it all works beautifully. There's a remote app for the Touch that's easy to install. However, truth be told, I had to make multiple calls to Apple Support to get everything synched and working. And it's my understanding that Apple is now charging for this support. Would rather have bamboo shoots under my fingernails than go thru that again. Luckily, there's smart people on this forum who can help you.
There are many ways to do this but for me Sonos is the best for multiple room wireless distribution of music. I've been using Sonos since the company started. The interface can be your laptop, phone, ipad, etc.
There are android and apple phone aps to use your phone as a remote mouse...