What speakers do you recommend?

My system is a NAD C660 CD player/burner, run through a pair of Granite 860.1 kt-88 monoblocks (with Granite connectors)into a pair of Snell IV's circa 1995 that I want to upgrade. I listen mostly to jazz, rock, funk and blues at high volume. My listening room is 12x14, and opens into 3 other large rooms. I could use a bit of advice as to how to invest my $$$ (I've set a $5k limit). The advice I've received so far is Revel F30 and Dynaudio Contour 3.0s, but I wanted to get some other views. Thanks.
You should without question audition a pair of Verity Audio Fidelios. I auditioned the new Virgo 3--very disappointed, not enough down low, and I am using a BATVK75SE, BATVK50SE.The Fidelios have an unreal soundstage, midrange to die for, the same one they use in the $15000 Parsifal, which I ended up buying--only because I got a great deal on a pair, otherwise it would have been the Fidelio. Low end on the Fidelio if great, full, but tight not bloated. Placement nowhere as tricky as Virgo. I have seen used Fidelios for around $5000.00. Good luck!
The slim VR-3.5's would be a great fit based on your room size and equipment. They image as well as Quads yet offer a great off-axis wide soundstage, and have the wallop and punch to deliver effortless dynamic low-end in spite of their relative small driver size.
See at www.vonschweikert.com

Very simply and inexpensively, and without hesitation, the Paradigm Reference Studio 100s. i have a room situation like yours (14x16 actually) and they sound fantastic no matter where I put them - hence I dont need to have them in the middle of the room. Had Dunlavy Cantatas and B&W 802s before finding MUSICAL perfection in the 100s. The other two were seriously close competitors but the Paradigm is smoother in general (none of the 802s' shrill highs and no need to take up the whole room like the Cantatas) and is MUCH cheaper to boot! My search is over for many years to come - love them daily.