Attention Conrad Johnson Premier 11A owners

Hello. I was wondering which speakers you guys are using for your cj 11a. Your inputs are greatly appreciated.
I use ProAc Reponse 2.5's, which I originally auditioned with the Premier 11a, and I'm now driving with Premier 12's. I've had this system for about 2 years and I've been very pleased with the sound. Its extremely musical, produces a huge soundstage, and is easy to listen to for long periods.

Personally, I'm a big fan of the ProAc sound, and think that there's a certain magic in this combination that I haven't found with other systems. However, I think that you'll find that the Premier 11 can sound good with a great many speakers. It has a very sweet, lively, warm sound that works well pretty much across the board. I know that there is at least one agon'er that mates his 11a with the smaller Thiel speakers and likes the results quite a bit. If you're in a position to visit a few audio stores and audition speakers, it would be worth your while to take the amp (and your preamp) with you and see how things sound. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a combination that speaks to you.

In any case, enjoy the search...

Cheers, Ken
I'm using Sonus Faber Grand Piano's, the original version. I love the sound, warm but detailed with great extension at the frequency extremes. Soundstaging is also superb, extending well outside the speakers.
I'm using the Sonus Faber Electa Amatours (originals). The CJ 11a really made them sing & have plenty enough power to drive them. Before the CJ I was using a Threshold T-200 (100WPS class A. There was literally a night & day differance IMHO.