ACI Titan II LE vs REL: Opinions

Anyone had a chance to compare the new ACI Titan II LE vs any of the REL Subs?

I spend a great deal of time listening to FM on a second with some small monitors (Swans M1s, Analysis Plus Oval 9 cables, McIntosh MR-71, Musical Fidelity A3CR amp, with Audio Research LS12 preamp) with some CDs here and there. Of course I want to hear that the ACI Titan II LE is a great music sub but appreciate reality better.

Can not easily get to hear either sub where I am at and would like some ideas before committing to a 30 day trial run. Any help much appreciated!:)

I didn't believe all the stuff I heard about the Titan II I say here and around the net. How could this under $1200 sub from a relatively unknown company compete with the big boys? Well after talking to ACI I figured what the heck, so I'm out a couple dollars for shipping if it doesn';t fly.
I got my Titan II LE about a week ago. It definitely needs some running to get going. I'll tell you what, with only about 50 hours it provides better quality bass than I really hoped for. This thing goes real low. Put on your favorite bass test disc and it will rattle stuff all over the place. Better than that, it blends in so well you just don't know it is there! I've heard lots of Velos, Hsus, Rels, Monitor Audios, Vandys, Carvers and such. Most could thump ok, this one sounds like music. They aren't kidding around!
You'd have to get a one of the larger very expensive Rels to compete with an ACI Titan II LE. Those Rels are very musical and do integrate very well, but no more/better than the Titan II LE which is less than half the price. And I think that the Titan II LE still has more slam and does movies with authority too.
Thanks again to all that commented. Since, I learned, ACI has no floor space for demos I will just have to buy their sub on a trial basis. But this thread gave me more confidence in doing so. Thanks!
Tell you what. The more my LE runs in, the better an better it sounds. The definition is really amazing. I've read a few comments where people didn't seem to think it played all that loudly. Well, they must be looking for hearing lose because it will rattle the walls quite well! Only does it when the content is there.
The other thing is build quality. This thing is heavy and beautiful. The hardwood contrasts very nicely with the black. I love it!