Nuetrality be Damned...

I am looking for a WARM and MUSICAL speaker, that is more emotive than analytical. I want to be drawn into the music. If the speaker is capable of creating warmth, but is still considered a "hi-fi" speaker, I would very much like to know about it...Please Help. Some of the speakers that I have heard that might fit this bill are: Voce Divina, Swans, JM Reynaud, JM Labs...
As y'all know, there's a school of thought that contends that the key to audio satisfaction is the selection of equipment that introduces the kind of distortion that the buyer finds agreeable.
NESTOROVIC LABS makes one of the most musical speakers in the industry. Give them a listen

We could purchase a really accurate speaker that sounds like real music and set it on fire! All kidding aside, a speaker with a 2 or 3 decibel boost in the 100HZ to 300HZ region and very rolled off upper register will give you "neutrality be damned". Surprisingly, there probably are models that fit this bill. On the other hand, there are accurate designs that capture the warmth of real music. Some of the candidates have been already mentioned.

Best regards,

Mike C.