Any advantage to an outboard crossover box?

I have been considering the North Creek Rhythm Unlimited and Signature speaker projects. Cabinets to be built by Lee Taylor and Co. There are a couple differences between the two options but I'm interested in the advantage of having the crossovers outside the speaker cabinets (like in the Signature). Do any other speakers do this? Any comments of the above speakers also welcome.

My Stuff:
Theta Miles Balanced driving a
BAT VK-500
Audioquest Python XLR
Kimber 8TC BiWire
Vandersteen 2ci's (to be replaced by above?)

Thanks. Karl
karl: tannoy churchills have outbord xovers, as did my previously-owned avalon ascents (current sentinels also have outboard units, as i recall). there are two primary advantages that i'm aware of with such a setup. first, it reduces vibrations from the active units/box. second, it reduces the weight of the speakers, making them easier to setup and move. -kelly
Well, I'm not objective because I think they are great! The beauty of the external mount is that you can tweak it after the fact so easily. Northcreek has a page, as I am sure you know, that explains how to make simple tweeks simply by adding series resistance in the high end or cutting it out for the mids.

I make a few speakers myself and have modeled them on NC. I have a lot of respect for George Short.

I have never heard the top of the line Rhythm Signature but I am sure its great. I do not have much direct experience with the Scan Speak 9900/Revelator tweeter and actually prefer the 9500 myself but that is a personal thing.

They make the best crossovers too! I have poked my head in a lot of fairly expensive speakers and you generally don't find the quality until you reach 5 figures and often way beyond that.

Make sure you get the drivers matched as perfect pairs.

Good choice

Sincerely, I remain
I have built two diferent sets of Rhythm's the original ones with the 9500 tweeters and a set of Signatures. Both have the external X-overs. I have also built a center channel Signature that has the x-over insided and it just doesn't sound as open. There are alot of variables with the center channel verses the other speakers but I do believe you will get better results with an external crossover.
PS, I much prefer the sound of the Revelator tweeter over the 9500, jsut goes to show personal preferences.