Paradigm Reference v.1 versus v.2?

I am getting a pair of Studio 60's v.2. Does anyone know the differences between the newer versions and the older ones? Is there an improvement in sound?
Less cabinet resonance.
Improved midrange.
Smoother transition across drivers.
50% more backaches--V2 is a LOT heavier.
Bishopwill-Yes,maybe in theory but my and others ears say differently.
Also,yes,the v-2's are heavier,but not "a LOT"
I was under the impression the v2 versions have shielded cabinets for home theater applications...that would explain why they are heavier, but sound essentially the same. Can anyone else shed any light?
The difference is about 10kg (I think) and is due to internal crossbracing, not to shielding. My Sony can testify that they are NOT shielded.

David, I'm intrigued. What do your and other ears hear? If you find the V1 sonically superior to the V2 you will be the first person I've heard from who hold that opinion.
Bishopwill-Please read my long post above.
I didnt say I found the V-1 better than the V-2.
Please read what I wrote.