Electronic crossover recommendations

I need some help finding the best electronic crossover. I am looking to experiment with going active to a few different speakers. I am going to use it on commercial speakers, and some DIY speakers. I need it to be able to be used on ANY 2 or 3 way speaker. Flexibility is really important. I am really looking for only top notch ones. I keep hearing that active is the way to go, so I thought I would give it a try. If you have used one or know of one, I would appreciate it if you can drop a line or two about it. thanks
A Rane AC-22, modified, new chips, caps, power supply and a bypass of some sections. New pots work well also. Less than 300$ if buy one used and it will go head to head with anything.

Rane will give you a start on improving the sound on thier web site.

Try a used one, try the mods on the web page, then you'll have perhaps 85-130 bucks in it, depends upon what you pay used. Truely a low cost investment, try it and you tell me.

So Mr. DIY, DIA---Do it again with the RANE.
I use the Marchand XM-9, and it is available as a two or three way design. It isn't the easyiest one to change frq with, but they may have another model that would allow you to change on the fly. I have been very pleased with their products, and their service is top notch.
Most have been mentioned but I will give you my take on it. The Marchand is a superb value. If you want lower cost then the RANE is very good. I purchased a Bryston and love the unit. I tried a Krell and did not care for it. It was rather noisy--the Bryston is dead quiet.
If you want flexibility and good sound the new Pass Labs unit is in the top class.