Why Do Martin Logan Speakers Lack Dynamic Energy?

Martin Logan speakers have a huge open soundstage, vivid midrange and excellent detail, better than some of the best speakers in the world.

The only thing that most Martin Logan speakers lack in their respective price range is dynamic energy. What I mean by dynamic energy is sonic weight, mid-bass slam and movement of air that only cone drivers seem to produce (unless you're talking about the Martin Logan Statements). Speakers like Wilson, Revel or Aerial Acoustics have great dynamic energy, so why can't Martin Logan build a speaker cheaper than $80,000 that has it too?
I would really like to hear the answers to this one.

I would say that some of the models lack mibass slam. I have also noticed that this is a function of amp. Even the CLS which is a pure Electrostatic has bass slam but only under very limited conditions. My experience is that they energize the room but one doesn't feel the impact in the same way as a cone.

I personally use mine with a sub most of the time, but often I think the pure electrostat in cleaner and purer sounding than the cone sub.

I also own old Maggie Tympanis and cone speakers.

You should also ask this question on the ML owners sight.
It is common with the electrostats for the glue that holds the sonic weights to the polyester film to come loose. Martin logan can fix this for a price.

I like the way they sound. I don't think they sound lean in the mid-bass region. Your mileage might vary. So might your amp,preamp, room, and source components.