Best Kept Speaker Secret?

OK all you speaker experts out there here goes. There are always "sleepers" or "exceptions to every rule or cost" in high end audio equipment. In your opinion what is the best kept secret or exception to the cost for the very best speaker you can buy for $4000 or less (Used). Your feedback will be greatly appreciated toward building my short list. Thank you.
Thorty now thats a new one for me. just went to their web the beautiful photo of the inside electronics is awesome! even the name -ZERO HYSTERESIS ZH270- lets me know its a departure from tradition. however at $4500, it better be great. as well there are others to consider at this price range. I'm getting Cabasse today, if they don't do it for me i'll more than likely follow your trail and get used SL's. yes you are very correct. 1 QUALITY watt = 2 to 4 generic watts. i have a little 40 watt tube amp and it delivers FAR MORE (ie. more than TWICE) the power of my supposingly 100 watt ss amp. i will not mention names gets irrate some owners of their beloved.
Hey Ljgj i thought this thread was about speakers. But about the Pathos uuhh dunno , What you can't have alittle fun in this hobby. You've probably been at it a long time i see. Seems you've heard it all so go check your email i just sent you, got ta ask ya something about this potentially most expensive hobby ...which i'm finding out very fast leads to relational difficulties with the SUPERIOR (underline that last word please) sex. Been at it 1 month dunno how much longer can hold out wish me luck.. if no see me post call ambulance..$..???.$$$..?^*@$$$)"@}....$
look at the jubilee/jems for sale for 2300. look at my comments on these on audiogon and on audio asylum. the only speaker i liked better was the verity audio parsifals. these replaced my quad 63's! these were a great buy new at twice the price. by the way these are not mine and i do not know the owner (and mine are not for sale).