Best bookcase speakers for classical music

I love to listen to all types of music, but primarily listen to classical, piano, and a variety of vocal music. What are the best bookcase speakers to consider/purchase -- without using a subwoofer. I have listened to ProAc Tablette 2000 Signature speakers and B&W Nautilus so far. I have a Nakamichi RE-10 (100 watts) receiver. Thanks.
Reynaud Twins and Trentes are two models to look at (I own the Twins). Harbeth owner's would certainly recommed the Compact 7's. Both are considered to be super for your musical preferences. All of these models need to be stand mounted (not placed on book shelves) and if you do not intend on using stands then other speakers would be in order such as those by Castle Acoustics and Linn as they will perform better under these circumstances. If you can swing the space and don't mind a couple of attractive "room dividers" standing around you may want to also investigate Magnapan speakers. It would help if you would describe your listening room (it's size, etc.) and where the speakers can be placed as this is half the battle that most of us face.