Are cracked speaker cabinets repairable?

My daughter bless her heart, recently knocked over one of
my Spendor sp23's. Denting a top edge, and creating a 5 inch long crack on the front top side. I am wondering if it is worth the expense, and is it possible to fix the dings without further causing damage. The drivers seem to be fine so far and the cabinets themselves are not vibrating. Has anyone ever experienced this, and what have you done. I imagine I will live with it if I cannot find a remedy.
contact the best furniture restorer in you vicinity and get an estimate. the damage is almost certainly reparable. you'll need to decide for yourself whether it's worth doing. -cfb
You also did not mention finish, makes a little difference. I would suggest what Cornfedboy is telling you, but I will tell you a large enough clamp or a way to apply the pressure and wood glue will fix the crack. If they are black finish, I would suggest this would be a good time to learn how to veneer(not that hard really, done it a couple of times now.) or again, have it done. Simple to fill the dent in, especially if you veneer.
If you're comfortable with taking the speaker apart then I say go for it because you'll want to make sure the repair fills the entire crack. You may want to contact Spendor to see what they recommend that's compatible.

I am not a furniture repairman but having the kids knock stuff over (in addition to my contributions) I have repaired my fair share of wood products. About 8 or 9 years ago my boy climbed in the top dresser drawer & it fell out, breaking the corner off. I bought some Durham's Water Putty on the advise of a friend who worked at the best hardware store in town & made the repair. I just went & looked at it & it's like the day I made the repair. Only thing is you have to mix your color in with the patch.