BEST Speakers for the BANG around 2K


I am looking for a pair of full range speakers around
2K. My system consist of ML 331, Proceed Amp3, ML
37, and ML 36s.

Thanks, for the Help
Tweekerman - you once again are commenting on a setup you have never heard - be careful - these are still boxes . The ribbons are coming along nicely - a very clean yet natural soundstage with good depth. So far so good.
Tweekerman-How about a cross over on your focal set up? I don' think they would sound too good with out one, which would put you way over budget.

I have had a Focal Audiom 6W and Audiom TLR component set in my last car and I don't see what all the rave is?? fwiw cross overs cost around $800 for that pair-could have spent a lot more, but time and money were running low :(

Ljgj remember its not about the money BUT about research...looks like luck has come my way (for once) i was working on a kit design and hit a snag...hey Tireguy your post has been a BIG help to confirm to me NOT to go TLR inside word a few days ago not to go i'm set on the new high tech ribbon from the famous PHILIPS LABS the RT8P for better or worse that's my final. so now with a single FOCAL7W + RT8 + SUPERIOR XOVER + FOCAL 13KX sub...lets see...hummm...300+250+400+700=...yep made it ...under 2K...ooops + cabinets...guess i'll just have to use my good ol' solid built philips...and stay under Hchg888's limit
"Ljgj remember its not about the money BUT about research"

What 'it' is mostly about is first-hand knowledge, a far more powerful, precise and reliable tool than words on the internet. I do not care for claims without reference(on a few levels in this case), either. Looking at some of your incorrect statements on your vs. thread and unstable component praise, Tweekerman, I am not sure if even your research is sound enough to recommend anything yet. Nice to see an alternative view, though, especially a diy one at this site.
Ohlala , thanks for the compliment! yea alternative views open the mind to NEW ideas...however one may preceive the idea ...good for you or bad for you... it may prove to be of interest down the road...ESPECIALLY when buying speakers. Why especially concerning the speaker component? Lately i'm not impressed with ANY speaker offered in a 100 mile radius of my area... So instead of driving all over the country auditioning speakers (could go to the next CES show and solve all the extra miles) i hope to be informed AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE on this site but far more on another high tech speaker web site. what little i understand in the tech info helps FAR GREATER than the nimble reviews offered in the audio mags...and if your honest you'll agree with me..."first-hand knowledge": i've heard about 10 very popular labs products...ain't for me...some others i don't consider for inefficency, price, and size. The speakers that most concern me and that falls in the $2K category are monitors + sub and small towers + sub for average income budgets. The reason for this thread is that Hchg is fishing for alternatives to better his choices. Choices outside his city's area. I apologize if i come across as gun-ho...i get abit over-enthusiastic at times..and you are correct...nothing beats experience... You doubt if i could recommend anything yet...if you've got $8K buy the AUDIO AERO CAPITOLE or for alittle less the AUDIOMECA MEPHISTO for $1800 go with the same labs intro models. BTW my speaker research has paid off. Sure i had to be a pest to a few audiogeeks but i got solid answers...this is much prefered to the fluffy reviews in the audio mags. Hey we're all learning.. so pass on what you experience AND what you feel may be at least close to the "truth".. i'd like to hear about it.