Deciding on the right huge speaker

Say you had decided that it was time to buy the speakers of your dreams, that you were willing to spend $30K for a pair and that you were going to utilize the full services of a dealer if necessary (ie, you're willing to pay list, more or less).

We all say it's essential to listen to your potential purchases before committing, preferably in your own setting. If you were choosing between, say, the Dynaudio Temptations, the Dunlavy SC-VI, the new Snell XA (in this months Stereophile), the Krell LAT-1 and a pair of Wisdom Audio's, how would go about getting an evaluation of this field? All of these speakers are huge, both in terms of dimensions and in terms of weight. How do you go through the process with some sense that you're going to make the "right" choice? -Kirk

Agree completely with AlbertPorter on the Audio Artistry Beethoven's. Its sad that this wonderful speaker is no longer made. You might just consider a diy product with a similar design, available from the designer's website (
There's no alternative to going out to the dealers where the equipment is located as well as the shows. My wife and I looked for speakers for close to a year. We went to CES and drove to a number of dealers (some long distances). Fortunately, the speakers that made the short list I either got an extended audition at CES or a dealer was within range. We bought the Wisdoms.
Put Soundlab at the TOP of your must hear list. After I purchased a set of Legacy Whispers, I thought I made an intelligent decision. Then I heard my favorite music on a pair of Soundlabs. They re-define the word "transparency". Anyone want to buy a set of Whispers?
The size of your room is the most important factor you have to deal with.Tell us your room size and I am sure we can make some proper recomendations.
The Krell sounds like a totaly inapropriate choice.For the money and not to be full range.