I think you are missing my point. Apogee sold out lock stock and barrel. After that, Bloom had no rights to continue backing his product. ADS felt it was worth their while to scuttle the Apogee line right off the bat. They certainly have no interest to support speakers they just wish would go away.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever walked into a room full of music that you deemed unquestionably real until told otherwise?
Ribbons and easy to follow instructions are available. There are two Divas for sale on audiogon right now. Maybe one of the owners are close enough for you to ask for a listen.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever walked into a room full of music that you deemed unquestionably real until told otherwise?
Ribbons and easy to follow instructions are available. There are two Divas for sale on audiogon right now. Maybe one of the owners are close enough for you to ask for a listen.