Does using a powered subwoofer make better sound?

I have Vienna Acoustic Mozarts. Wonderful speakers but their one weakness is below 40 Hz. I don't want to "harm" the beautiful mid-range and highs they produce. Would a powered sub give me the extra kick in bass I'd like? If so which one to buy?

System Theta Miles / Pro Prime IIIa DAC
Audio Research LS 15 Preamp
BAT VK-60 amp
Titan II LE is one terrific sub for music. Comparable to the REL Stadium III but at far less cost (direct). Their new Force should also prove to be a winner. Do some searches here, at AA and AR and over at the SMR site. Also, see the reviews in Positive Feedback, BFS.
The quality of the subwoofer must match your other speakers.Subs are good with a small speakers. The sub will make a small speaker sound more like a fullrange loudspeaker. Will the match be seemless? No it won't, but with careful set up you can get it close. The biggest mistake people make is having the sub to loud. You should only hear the bass intergrated into the music. You should have no sense of the sub being there. If you are using a sub for movies you would have it set louder. Movie dynamics are extreme.