what are your favorite movie soundtracks.

I am looking to get into more movie soundtracks that sound that survive musically without the movie. I am not interested in soundtracks a that take a bunch of pop offerings a that are basically a collection of pop hits/songs but are origional soundtrack recordings that can be listened to all by themselves.

Some that I have tried with various amounts of successs are Glory, Schindler's List, Dances with Wolves, and Murder in the First.

I do not care for opera, rap or country but everything else is an open book.
Where's Bianchi27? He's the OP. Been gone since 03. As a matter of fact he never came back; that's one of my pet peeves.
Rok2id, this is movie soundtracks. You say the name of that movie was "Don't Mess With Bill", and it starred The Marvelettes. I wonder how come I never saw it.
1492 Conquest of Paradise soundtrack is excellent to my taste. Composed by Vangelis. Gerard Depardieu as Columbus. Quite a film, at times difficult to watch.