What kind of music do you listen to? At what volume?? What qualities or musical characteristics do you like to hear??? What do you value most in musical presentation??
The answer to those questions will dictate which direction to go. Maggies need lots of juice to come alive. That usually means solid state as tube juice can get expensive (though within your budget) Audio Research amps are often paired with Maggies as well as Bryston and Classe's in the SS department. I have used both with my 2.7's with very satisfying results. I use a tube pre. (ARC)
Tubes are often used to keep their fast and detailed presentation from becoming too foreward. SS state is often used to help tighten and control the bass, but if that's not your thing.... then....
The answer to those questions will dictate which direction to go. Maggies need lots of juice to come alive. That usually means solid state as tube juice can get expensive (though within your budget) Audio Research amps are often paired with Maggies as well as Bryston and Classe's in the SS department. I have used both with my 2.7's with very satisfying results. I use a tube pre. (ARC)
Tubes are often used to keep their fast and detailed presentation from becoming too foreward. SS state is often used to help tighten and control the bass, but if that's not your thing.... then....