HELP Speakers sound brighter and 3D stage is lost

Audiophile Gurus,

I just have moved from a bigger place to this place where my music room is 12x16 fts.

Since the room is small I have placed the speakers about 6 inches away from the walls and about 8+ft apart. Now they don’t sound nearly as good as they did in my old place where there were about 9+ft apart and 4ft away from either of the walls, I use to get a 3D stage and the overall effect was incredible. Since they are new they sounded a bit harsh in my old place as well.

My setup:
Speakers: B&W 802N (only about 30Hrs on them)
Amp: McIntosh 352Mc
CD player: Levinson 39 (I am not using a separate Pre Amp)
Cables: MIT 750 Shotgun speaker cables.
Medium impedance MIT shotgun interconnects.

Is there any thing I can do:

1. to reduce the brightness besides waiting for them to break-in.
2. What can I do to get the 3D image back?
3. Is preamp a must for this configuration?
4. Will a subwoofer like REL help by pressurizing the room?
5. Any other pointers :)

Your post doesn't make sense: you have your speakers 6 inches from sidewall and 8 feet in between, but the shortest dimension of the room is 12 foot? My math says 3 feet is unaccounted for. 8' feet apart and 4' from sidewalls is about perfect, as far as time delay and width for stereo are concerned. At a minimum, fight for 2' from the sidewalls to get a crude 4ms delay (is that right guys: two ms out and two ms back). A little toe in wouldn't hurt and if they have to be close to the sidewalls, a 2foot by 2 foot of acoustic foam at the first reflection points will clean up the high beaming/harshness a bit.
Try the RPG profoam level 1 from for a quick and dirty easy route.
also good places.
Ezmeralda, i thought the same thing. The measurements are probable from the insides of each speaker in terms of spacing, then you have the width of each speaker cabinet ( which might be appr a foot and a half x 2 ) and then the distance from their outer edges to the wall. Make sense ? Sean

Follow these directions from Audio Physic to get your soundstage back ...

A subwoofer might help ... I use a Rel strata in a room which is only 10x12.

But first I'd play with positioning and listen in the nearfield.

The above suggestions are all excellent, but (and I hate to bring this up) I wonder whether those speakers are just plain too large for your new room, both physically and in the bass they produce. A smaller, stand-mounted speaker (for example, B&W 805Ns) might be able to give you much of your imaging and soundstaging back, as they would enhance the possibility of nearfield listening, and a good sub, if necessary, could add any bass you felt was missing (in a small room, you really may not miss the additional bass the 802s produce). If your speakers are new, any way your dealer can make this happen without a loss to you? Otherwise, I'd suggest setting them up on the long wall and adopt a nearfield listening spot to get back your soundstage, although I think you may have some bass problems depending on how close to the back wall you have to sit. Can't help you on the brightness, I agree with Buckingham, I find B&W's bright, but that's a personal bias and maybe breakin will ameliorate the problem. Good luck!