Bi, I say. Since the choice is vast, I suggest you start with a few amps on loan -- if possible. Just to get an idea. As S7 said & and the resident EE's will confirm, it's useful to match the sound characteristics & phasing of the two amps.
How about a tube for the upper... assuming the Hafler can drive your woofs. Otherwise, you'll need a powerful machine for the woofs which may be faster (if recent model) than the Hafler -- thereby creating phase problems.
Not a problem; just fun in researching, if you can. Good luck, nice speakers!
How about a tube for the upper... assuming the Hafler can drive your woofs. Otherwise, you'll need a powerful machine for the woofs which may be faster (if recent model) than the Hafler -- thereby creating phase problems.
Not a problem; just fun in researching, if you can. Good luck, nice speakers!