Focus 20/20 versus Focus

Have any Focus owners heard the new 20/20 and/or upgraded their Focus to the 20/20? The factory upgrade is $2200 + shipping and I am wondering if it is worth the $$. I have no issues with my 8 y/o Focus but am always interested in improvements. Thanks.
Gjames-my recommendation for you:sell Focus and buy Dunlavy SC-4 or SC-4A,you will be far happier;I made this step 6 month ago and completely satisfied.I had Legacy SIG-III,later upgraded Focus with Steradian processor like you,but when I open speaker and take look crossover-I was shocked-parts like capacitors and resistors so cheap,cables/wires from Home Depot;also,they use white PVC pipes inside exactly from same store.Plus four toggle switches-normal speakers not necessary use extra filters-they take extra power.Also,wnen aaai had Legacy speakers,my power amp (Mac-352)was run hot;now it just warm all time at same level.Just my 02 cents.
Gjames, I contacted Legacy when the 20/20 first came out and they said that you can't upgrade the original Focus. Who did you talk to about this? I'm very interested in the upgrade if it's possible.
Chris Volk @ Legacy. It involves a lot of modifications internally, including drivers, crossovers, cabinet structure, etc.

I listened to the 20/20s in a dealers showroom last week. Unfortunately the setup was terrible (in a HT environment) and I was not able to get a good assesment. Actually, they sounded terrible in that environment. Don't know how that dealer can sell any unless they put them in a better demo room.