Ugliest speaker ever?

I've been following the thread seeking nominations for the "coolest speaker ever", and I can think of a few speakers that merit such a distinction. While we're at it, however, let's list some of the ugliest speakers ever designed. I can think of a few recent ones, such as the Avantgarde horn speakers (Uno, Duo, etc.), and the Calix Technology Phoenix Signature (see page 58 of the May issue of Stereophile for a photo). Other nominees?

I' second your nominaiton of the Calix: the cabinet work looks great in the picture (as does the wood), but the shape and those cages...

While I'd love to hear a pair, my wife would never let me bring a pair of MBL 101Ds into the house.

Finally, I'd like to say that one time I saw a pair of Apogee Stages in taupe. I was so paranoid about having that terrible color in my house that I made the used equipment dealer who sold me mine send me pictures to prove that anthracite was gray, not brown.
I've got to add a couple of additional speakers to my list, even if I did start this thread:
1. the Cabasse "eyeballs" (I wouldn't be able able to concentrate on the music for feeling watched);
2. the MBL Radialstrahlers (interesting, but still ugly);
3. the Beauhorn B2 horn loudspeaker (see page 51-52 of Issue 14, HiFi+ mag);
4. the Second Rethm (see page 44-45 of Issue 13, HiFi+ mag).

And while we're talking about "ugly", how about an unappealing name for a speaker -- such as Royd? Now there's a name that brings a wonderful picture to mind....Maybe they should design a hemispherical enclosure and call the speaker the "Hemi-Royd"........
Hi Scott; I've got to agree with your nomination of the Avante Garde jobs-- gotta' be the ugliest I've ever seen (pictures only of course). After a night of heavy drinking, I've woke up with better looking speakers than those. The Spica Angelus (sp?) have a reputation for being ugly to some, but I always thought they looked kind of futuristic. Cheers. Craig