Ugliest speaker ever?

I've been following the thread seeking nominations for the "coolest speaker ever", and I can think of a few speakers that merit such a distinction. While we're at it, however, let's list some of the ugliest speakers ever designed. I can think of a few recent ones, such as the Avantgarde horn speakers (Uno, Duo, etc.), and the Calix Technology Phoenix Signature (see page 58 of the May issue of Stereophile for a photo). Other nominees?
How about Spica Angelus. I have a pair. I love them. My wife hates them. I have a feeling that eventually she'll win. Perhaps my consolation will be some Harbeths or AP Virgos.

I also think Martin Logans look pretty terrible. Like some sort of giant air-ionizer in the living room.

I suppose the top of the line giant floorstander from Royd is the SteRoyd ?
Hi guys-
I'm afraid I have to nominate my speakers as the ugliest ever. I own a set of Sequerra "Futuresonic" (which also may qualify as silliest name) loudspeakers. A picture is available, along with some very interesting reading, at "Stereos Of The Rich And Famous":
The picture is down near the bottom of the page. But, they sound better than any speaker I've ever heard, except Dick Sequerra's full-blown ribbon speakers, which are about $125,000 per pair! I've had many sets of speakers in my system, and none can come close to the dynamics and detail of the Sequerras. So I'll keep my ugly ducks and listen happily ever after.
Ejlif: I sense a theme here after seeing your post nominating the Avantgarde Trio Classico as the "coolest speaker ever". As I said in my comments starting this thread, one guy's "cool" is another guy's "ugly", which is maybe a good thing given some of the prices for high end audio gear. If you really think the Avantgarde Trio is the "coolest" ever, it makes it easier to understand why you think the Vandy Model 5 is the ugliest. Chacun a son gout...
Quad ESL;

My friend thought that they where the back seats from a 60's Buick.

They should be given extra ugly points if they're dusty & have a couple of dents.