Eidolon, Amati Homage, or Watt?

Although my Dunlavy SC4's are great, I've got the "bug" to change speakers. My system consists of CJ Premier 8 XS mono amps(135 watts/chan push-pull triode),CAT mk.3 preamp,Krell 20i cd player and a VPI table. The room is 20Lx18Wx17H with the speakers on the long wall and I listen to jazz and vocal.

I've never tried any other speakers in my home system
but auditioned the Amati and Watt/6 at dealers with different systems and while they are both good in their own way,I'm still looking. Can the Eidolon's deliver all the goods of the Dunlavy,s and more, with only the medium power of my amps? I would also welcome other speaker suggestions.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I thank you. As much as I really want to like the Watt/6,(they would look the best in the room and my wife likes them) I think I'll be disappointed in the long run. Although their indivdual characteristics surpass the SC4 and yes, their dynamics are incredible, I always go ahhh,the music is back when I
return home from their audition. Maybe I'm just used to the Dunlavy presentation of sound and I need more time with them. For now,however, I'll trust my ears and continue to search. The Eidolon sounds like a good start. Thanks again.
hello don't waste your time with the BAT 60 mono's your Conrad Johnson premier 8XS is way better sounding having owned both amplifiers before.
I listened to the Eidolon, the Watt/Puppy 6 and the Wisdom Audio before deciding. I bought the Wisdoms. The Eidolons imaged impressively but did little else for me. The W/P were impressive. But the Wisdoms seemed to do more right. Usually a speaker design will be particularly good in one area or, in better designs, particularly good in all but one area. The Wisdoms struck me as being good top to bottom. Depending on musical taste I think you could find the W/P to be short on bottom end. No such problem with the Wisdoms.
I would give these a listen, they're great sounding and are in the ballpark in terms of $$$.
unfortunately, i have not listened to them, it's just an off the cuff suggestion!
I would give these a listen, they're supposedly great sounding and are in the ballpark in terms of $$$.
unfortunately, i have not listened to them, it's just an off the cuff suggestion!