best used speaker for around 2500?

tastes are jazz, pop, classical. I listen to digital (CD and SACD) as well as analog. The speakers will be mated to a Copland CTA301 tubed preamp and a Copland CTA505 tubed power amp- 67 wpc in pentode and 35 wpc in triode. required ASAP
Ag insider logo xs@2xmitcho
I would suggest that you listen to a pair of ProAc 2.5 speakers. They are very musical and work well with tube equipment. They retail for $4500 and I have seen them offered on Audiogon for around $2500.
Try the VMPS RM2 Neo. Big brother just won best of show at the CES. I've owned VMPS for 8 years now and am afraid of trying another brand as you get so much for your money. If you are curious check out the VMPS thread at and read what's there and feel free to ask questions. Seriously, I've been through numerous components in the last 30 years and Brian Cheney delivers the goods. If you want to be amazed then check them out. Vandersteens, the 2ce which I've owned aren't even in the same class. Absolute sound on the FF3 has been saying it's been best at show since 99 and Anthony Cordesman on the older version of the Supertower said "these are the state of the art" Good luck
I have the RM 40's and a friend has the RM 2 's which also sound great - in fact better than the Andras I also have.