Please help tube amp for panels and SS for woofer

I finally had a chance to buy two Wolcott monoblocks, which I plan to use to drive the panels of my ML Prodigy.
The two bridged Bel Cantos which did the job before, will be used to drive the woofers.
Are there any ML owners out there who have done this, using tube amps for panels and SS for the woofers?
I understand that I can run into problems here with the different gain and sensitivity of the two amps.
How do I solve the problem? With an active crossover, and if yes, which one, or is there another solution to my problem?
IMHO the Wolcotts are so good I don't think you need the Becantos on the bottom. Can you try them like this?
Although I have not heard the Wolcott's on the ML's, I have on the tough to drive Magnepan's. They were incredible. I do not think you will need any other amplifiers, just new interconnects and speaker cables. :)
Jonathan, seriously please. Is there any reason why I should choose different cables than the HMS Grand Finale with the Wolcott? Has it to do with the specs of the new Wolcott?
I am open to any suggestions, since the reason that I sell HMS and believe that these are great cables, does not mean that I will not listen to suggestions of other people.
So please tell me what you know about these Wolcott amps and what cables you would suggest and why you would recommend these cables.
Tekunda, Jonathan is pulling your leg on the cable issue but is sincerely recommending the Wolcotts.

if your preamp has 2 outputs and you still want to try bi-amping you actually only need to attenuate one side of the bi-amping (you would need to experiment to discover which side). you could use the Placette RVC (remote volume control) on the stronger side to attenuate it to the correct level. there is a possibility that this might not work but it is a much simpler solution and more transparent than other crossover solutions would be (and with those great HMS cables why lose any transparency).

you would need to try to keep the total interconnect and speaker cable lengths the same to avoid small timeing errors but you are a "cable guy"....right.
Mikelavigne, I assumed that Jtinn was pulling my leg, but nevertheless I asked Mr. Strassner if cables in general can cause an issue with tube amps. He is a real scientist and gave me a 1 hour lecture in cables physics. What he said was that I might run into problems with a zero feedback amp, if the capacity of cables in general would be above a certain number. So unintenionally Jtinn made a valid point, but since the Wolcott amp is not a zero feedback design, it does not apply to me.
So yes, I am very happy to be able to keep on using the HMS cables in my new system.
I will check into the Placette RVC and for someone fighting with the same problems here is another link I have received:
But I think I will stay away from an active crossover. I emailed the and he said it is rather complicated and frustrating to get it right with ML speakers.