Monitor Audio FB210 or REL Strata ?

Music and movies about 60/40 ? Which sub will be better ?
Thanks very much. I think I'm going with the REL. I need to buy a black finish, so can't find any as new REL, but I've dealer for REL in my area, will get a new one. Also as you have mentioned, resale value.
If you haven't heard a quality sub in your stereo I think you're in for a treat. My strata transformed my CD collection. Some of the live CDs and large orchestral pieces are so transformed I'd find it hard to go back to no sub. Have fun !
I owned a REL Strata II which I used to good effect with a pair of B&W Nautilus 805s. Then I upgraded to Audio Physic Virgo II speakers. I then found I got better results on music by disconnecting the sub, and I ended up selling it. The Strata II certainly was able to add more to the bottom end, but the quality was not on a par with what the Virgo IIs were delivering - either that, or the sub was just not integrating well (and I played with the settings a lot). I found that the sub added more, but, as the saying goes, 'sometimes more is less'. Just my two cents. Good luck.