Revel vs. Aerial vs. B&W

I am looking at upgrading my KEF Ref 3's and am considering Aerial's new 20T. Has anyone heard them? I have heard the B&W Nautilus 802's and think they are great - especially for the money. A friend of mine said I should consider the Revel Studios. I have never heard those. Feedback on them would be appreciated. I am using a Krell 3250/Lexicon MC12, FYI. Thanks!
In the event you're near the East coast Mr. Kelly of Aerial is giving a demo of the 20t's in Raleigh, NC at the end of June at Audioadvice. (I just received a mailer; not involved personally...)
I wish I had your dilemma!
I won't be in Raleigh then, but perhaps Mr. Kelly's roadshow will wind its way up to the Motor City. I would love to hear them.
In my opinion, Revel Studios are a significantly nicer speaker than B&W 802's. I say this while being a B&W owner. I was close to buying 802's until the dealer connected the same system to Revel Studios. In my opinion, there is no comparison, and for me , no looking back. The source system consisted of a Mark Levinson #335 amp, ML 380s preamp, and ML CD player. I listened to both speakers.....each through the same source components. The Revels imaged better, created nicer soundstage, had smoother and more controlled bass, all with similar midrange character to the B&W sound. They are a little less efficient however, and might require a little more amplifier power......although I also listened to the Revels with a ML 383 (100wpc a 8 ohms), which played them as loud as I would ever care to listen without any strain. Revels are 88db @ 1 watt/ 1 meter. 802's I believe are 91 db.
As for the Aerials, I have not heard them and cannot say.

Good luck in the search.
Thanks for the feedback on Revel. I think it will probably end up being a face-off between Revel and Aerial.

What is your new speaker now? and how do you like it?

Just last week, I had extensive listening sessions on Revel Studio vs N801. The Revel provides stringer mid-bass/slam and the top is smooth. Cello sounds good here. The N801 has superior midrange and deep bass. Human voice and high frequency percussions sounds better and more transparent.
I pick N801 because after 4 hours of back-to-back; The N801 does have lower distortion to your ears.

I listened to Aerial 10T powered by Classe on another dealer. It is nice on smaller room but it does not compare to N801.