Revel vs. Aerial vs. B&W

I am looking at upgrading my KEF Ref 3's and am considering Aerial's new 20T. Has anyone heard them? I have heard the B&W Nautilus 802's and think they are great - especially for the money. A friend of mine said I should consider the Revel Studios. I have never heard those. Feedback on them would be appreciated. I am using a Krell 3250/Lexicon MC12, FYI. Thanks!
Ritteri you don't really know what your talking about! You have some head problem!
Just what we need, A fight over who's speakers are better..

Stop this nonsense..

Worldcat, Please don't make remarks to Ritteri and Vice Versa.. You guys both own incredible fantastic gear and who really cares if one sounds 5-10% better than the other. That would of course be up to the ears that were listening.

Ritteri, What I was concerned about was your comments about 60% discounts and when you were selling. Please elaborate or just let everyone know that you were playing around. I would not want the people of these forums to think that there are margins that don't exist. It makes it harder for dealers to Survive.

Thanks very much and everyone have a great holiday..

Craig: Margins from 40-60 points is real world markup in this industry you and me both know it. Electronics range in the 40-45 point range.Speakers and cabling in the 45-65 point range. One example is Wadia. Average dealer markup is 40 points with them. Might as well give a few more example's. Later on Ill break out all my old dealer price sheets(which I just came across from cleaining out my attic) from 96'-01' and start scanning them into the computer since people here cant take a hint.......

Revel: Average dealer markup is 50 points, select dealers that carry other Madrigal products have even higher markup margin. Revel cranked up their "suggested retail pricing" but did so while minimizing dealer cost increase. In fact some dealers didnt even incur a cost increase on their part.

Transparant cable: 55-65 point markup

B&K 40 points

Sony:35-60 points depending on how many millions of units you sell of theirs and the ability to show the sales reps where the best escort services are located.

Phoenix Gold cabling: 55-65 point markup

MIT: 45 point markup

Rotel: 40 point markup.

Wilson Audio: Range from 50-60 points depending on sales volume and how much ass kissing you can accomplish with their sales reps.

Adcom: 40 point markup

Parasound: 40 point markup

Paradigm: 50-60 point markup volume dependant.

B&W: 50 point markup

Worldcat: At least I can honestly say that I physically "heard" the speaker I bought before I stated my opinion on its sound Q ability. Thats something you cant do. And at least 2 people here know that to be a fact.
Having listened to them all, I suggest you go give a long listen to the Vandersteen 3A Sigs. and Model 5. You may be shocked at what you can get for the cost of the 3A Sigs. The Model 5s are simply awesome.

Good luck!