entry planar setup

Considering switching the bedroom system to planar, just to do something different.
What's the best way for ~$1000 to try planrs?

I see Maggies MMG's for $550 new, is it possible to get a decent integrated that can drive these for $500 or so, volume level not critical. How sensitive ar these speakers to room placement?

Would also consider an amp, since I may have an extra pre-amp kicking around depening on next system change.

i had a pair of MMG's in my bedroom a few years ago. They sounded great driven with a McIntosh 6100 integrated. I miss them. They were 18 inches from the wall and played great as I said.
If volume is not critical most integrated amps will do. Musical Fidelity. The E400 can be had for 400 bucks right now, There is also a mistral that might work. Anthem and Rotel are ones to check out if you want to stay under 500.
OK, so no maggies. Setup is not practical.
How about ribbon speakers?
Looking for something "different" to play with.

I've heard MMG's sound quite good in an almost cubic bedroom, located about a foot and a half out into the room, with drapes behind them. So, you might not want to pull the plug on the MMG idea just yet.

The MMG's are a breeze to reposition if you need to move them out to listen and back to disappear.

And with that 60-day money back offer, basically you're only risking return shipping to find out for yourself. Can't beat that with a stick.

For amplification, if you're into quality over quantity (I assume you're not looking to disco in the bedroom), I would suggest a used Arcam integrated over either NAD or Rotel, or a perhaps a JoLida integrated for a bit warmer sound. Disclaimer - I'm a JoLida owner and dealer.

Best of luck to you, Killer!

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