Nautilus owners upgrade to what?

Hello all, just wondering anyone who has owned B&W Nautilus and sold them for something else that they liked better. I see people here selling their B&W so there must be something they are trading upt to. Every dealer who sells B&W invariably points me to B&W. These dealers also sell: Thiel, ProAc, Monitor Audio, Paradigm, NHT, Wharfdale, DynAudio.
As one B&W dealer told me, once people hear B&W that's what they want to buy. He was saying if B&W started selling at Circuit City, he'd be out of business.
I purchased a pair of older B&W DM640i's with an eye to upgrade in the near future. I'm somewhat of an audiophile neophyte, but have been trying to invest in good yet moderately priced equipment. I jumped on good deals on an Aragon Soundstage (w/Audio Research balanced cables), Audio Research 100.2 SS Amp., Rotel RCD971 CD Player. I was all set to upgrade to the something in the Nautilus line until I heard the JM Lab Electra 926 (at my B&W dealer's store) on a pair of Rogue 100 watt tube (non-magnum) mono blocks and was blown away! My dealer, a loyal B&W retailer for years, doesn't sell JM Lab YET, he had just received 2 models to test the waters, the 926 that retails for about $4,000 and another (model #?) that sells for around $1,500. He's seriously thinking about making a switch and is convinced that B&W can't touch the JM Lab in the $4K-$5K price range. Is he right? I haven't heard the Nautilus 803 ($5K), but I have heard the N802 ($8K) and while it sounded a little more detailed and slightly fuller than the JM Lab, for my buck, it didn't sound $4,000 better! I'd simply like to get you guys' thoughts and opinions as to how the N803 would stack up against the JM Lab 926 or any serious challenger @ $4-$5 grand. I listen mostly to acoustic jazz like Diana Krall (80%) and HT (20%). Is my AR 100.2 able to drive more upscale models? My room is 20'x30' w/10' ceilings and due to a fireplace, my speaker sit about 18' apart. I also use a Paradigm PS-1200 powered sub. Any recommendations on upgrading would be appreciated.
Herb4, that is a bit of a loaded question, as a lot speaker questions can be. IMO speakers make the most dramatic difference in your system and we all have our personal tastes, EX. the thunder boomers driving down the road, they love it, others hate it.

If you prefered the JM Lab, by all means go that route, that may not mean it is "better" than the B&W's, just different.

I do believe that it can be a no brainer at times that one speaker is better than another. But as we move up the price chain, you start getting into personal preferences.

And don't let me forget synergy, it may be that one speaker works better with tubes than another...again, doesn't mean it is a better speaker per se.

On one of the Sterophile's test CD's, a guy reads the column by J. Gordon Holt, "Why Audiophiles Disagree", this sums it up much better than I am.
Like some of the others in this thread I have a pair of 805's with a REL strata III driven by an MF A 3CR -120wpc.

I am interested in the post about using over 200wpc for them. In stereophiles's review of the MF they also mentioned biamping.

Has anyone here tried biamping the 805's?? how much power is enough?

I have the upgrade itch - but I really like the nautilus sound and I have a fairly small room. beating the focus and detail of the 805 is not a small task.
Hi, I heard the Revel F20 and Aerius 6's.
I agree, the Aerials are smoother, "warmer" than B&W. They lacked detail and dynamics for my tastes.
The Revels were much clearer than B&W. Their lit. says their drivers reduce 2nd and 3rd order harmonics. This made sense to me because they had a similar clarity I heard in ATC active 100's. REF 3A DeCappos were also clearer than B&W - this again left me with a long face :(.
Not to get overly bowled over by Revels, their bass was very unmusical compared to N804. Drums sounded like the driver was bottoming out but that can't be at 85-90 dB. Sometimes violins sounded separated from the rest of the orchestra. So there was a coherence issue.
Finally they must not have the wide dispersion of N804 because the image would noticeably switch to speakers moving my head from left to right.
I think the new Thiel 1.6 was similar in style to the Revel. But Thiel bass was better quality and no image flipping between speakers. It seemed better to trade some bass extension than throw it away like the Revels - my opinion from what I heard.
I was told both B&W and Revel have a rising response curve in the mids and in the highs. This "flat" curve is good for studio monitoring and rock music but not for classical. I don't agree but I guess that's the design technology.