Speaker Impedance, Tenor OTLs, and Watt Puppies

Generally, is it better to match Tenor OTLs, or any low wattage tube amp, with 8 ohm speakers, rather than say, 4 ohm speakers? I do not clearly understand the impedance factor concept, but have been told that 8 ohm speakers are easier to drive, and also that speaker ohm stability is important. Are Watt Puppies a poor match for the Tenors? I know they will sound good, but are the Watt Puppies performance being maximized?
you will read a good review about tenor and watt/puppy
macth at soundstage(june)
adsal, i did read that review.

Hayden, the choice of which comes first, the chicken (speakers) or the egg (amps) is classic. my 2 cents in this case is that for the closest to the musical event an OTL is the best amplifier and no matter what speakers are used only an OTL offers the level of musical satisfaction that i want, especially the Tenors.

in my experience 3 or 4 different speaker systems that are quite a bit different all sounded their best on the Tenors.

Comments are spot on. I'm curently evaluating the Tenor 75wi with a pair of SF Amati Homage (4ohm, with a maximum of 7.8 ohms, but a value below 6 ohms in the midrange and below 4 ohms in the bass and high treble -- Stereophile measurements).

Some other things to add into the equation:

1. Voltage output and gain of your source gear if you are going to run direct, or even through a preamp. If the source doesn't have enough gain (i.e. my CJ Premier 15 phono pre) or voltage output, then you tax an amp already at it's edge driving a speaker below 8ohm.

2. Size of listening room and average level of loudness you like. Some listen in the 80-85 db range. Some in the 95 db range and up. This also impacts whether an OTL like the Tenor will "be a good match" for something like the Watt Puppies. (i.e. my listening room effectively is my entire 1300 sq ft open live/work loft, which makes things a little more difficult).

3. Do you already own the Watt Puppies? Sunk cost is an issue, and one that people will react to differently.

The way to describe the "poor match" is taking a speaker rated at 4ohm, and driving it using the 8ohm taps on a "normal", transformer based tube amp design. The 4ohm tap will provide more cohesion throughout the freq range, tighter bass and mid-bass, with more control over the drivers. Going off an 8ohm tap, you will get more "air", "sparkle", and maybe some more detail. Different people prefer different sounds. For instance, some folks with 8ohm speakers will drive them from a 4ohm tap, and some will drive it from an 8ohm tap.

Hope this helps,

Tom H
You must consider the damping factor when matching OTLs with speaker loads. I do not know what the output impedance of the Tenors is, but low output impedance is generally not the strong suit of OTLs. If you get low impedance speakers, or ones that swing low in the bass freq's particularly, then the damping factor of the amp can be seriously compromised. Generally speaking, higher impedance speakers will present a more controllable load for OTLs.
Mikelavigne, you state: "..this case is that for the closest to the musical event an OTL is the best amplifier... "
I would totally agree with you, was it not for the Kron Double Kronzilla SET amps. I have heard from very two reliable people, that the Double Kronzilla Monoblocks ($35000,00) are even better than the Tenor. And if you read here how the tubes are made (it takes about 120 man hours for one tube and Bohemian artisan glass blowers make the glass shell) I tend to believe these audiophiles. Read here if you like, it is in English
I was almost 100% set on Tenor amps, but since I heard of the Double Kronzilla and an audiophile using two pairs to drive his ML Prodigy, I am going to audition this set up first, before I will decide which amps to buy. He and another auduiophile who knows both amps as well, the Tenor and the Kronzilla told me that the Kronzilla will beat the Tenor by quite a margin, when it comes to reproducing music life like.
Had you ever had a chance to audition Kronzilla amps, or have you heard from people about these amps? As you know I always value your opinion.