What were your SACD impressions at NY show?

What were your impressions of the SACD formats (2-channel & Multi) presented by the various exhibitors at the NY Stereophile show this weekend? Any comments on comparisons to each other and also to any of the DVD-Audio rooms?
Happy Listening!
What was different (almost novel, given the SACD software roll-out) was having hundreds of SACD's to actually chose from and being able to purchase. I view the SACD (audiophile) kiosks/sections in Best Buys; Tower; and J&R as poorly stocked insults to audiophiles. It was nice to purchase and walk home with 20 SACD's.

I liked best the SACD demo that SONY sponsored (SONY SACD player hooked up to tube amps and Eggleston speakers).
When more SACD's are made with the format in mind from concept to completion you will hear a significant difference between redbook CD's and SACD. If you have an old recording remastered the differences are there, but are much more subtle. The DCS rig with the Lamm monoblocks and the Grand Utopia's was superb in the second floor Sound by Singer room.
I though the Sony demo (XA777-Manley-Eggleston Andra) was poor. The multichannel didn't do much for me and I found the overall sound very disappointing.
On the other hand the Von Schweikert room with Spectron and the the 6 channel hard drive full DSD transfer was stunning,though too loud.If 6 channel were done that way all the time than I would seriously consider it.
Apologies if this question is off topic, but did anyone hear anything about Sony supposedly discontinuing their SCD-DVP-NS500V? Or was this some kind of rumor designed to stimulate sales?