What were your SACD impressions at NY show?

What were your impressions of the SACD formats (2-channel & Multi) presented by the various exhibitors at the NY Stereophile show this weekend? Any comments on comparisons to each other and also to any of the DVD-Audio rooms?
Happy Listening!
Apologies if this question is off topic, but did anyone hear anything about Sony supposedly discontinuing their SCD-DVP-NS500V? Or was this some kind of rumor designed to stimulate sales?
Well Joe b, don't apologize but just go start your own thread, dude. Didn't yo mama teach you any manners about buttin' in? (hope you get your answer though) :-)
I was not convinced that SACD is superior to CD at the show and that was my primary motivation for going. However, I have to admit that the Joseph Audio demo made a convincing case for analog. After playing several great sounding cd and sacd tracks, they ended with a 1963 Duke Ellington recording on vinyl that was incredible. I am seriously considering adding an analog source to my system as a result.